Sustainable Choices

Category: health

1 Stop eating beef
2 Adopt low-tech when it helps sustainability
3 Talk with others about issues of sustainability
4 Learn about natural cleaners
5 Buy natural cleaners
6 Accept that there is no "planet B"
7 Never buy bottled water
8 Learn to appreciate the intangible and all its value
9 Reduce your consumption in general
10 Read aloud the ingredients in your "food"
11 Share your knowledge of sustainable practices and products
12 Stop buying synthetic "food" that damages your health and is manufactured in damaging ways
13 Read and study sustainability and clean energy news sources
14 Eat less pork
15 Change your attitude about what constitutes "progress"
16 Don't make overpopulation worse
17 Learn about your local ecosystems
18 Learn more about nature in general
19 Buy organic food
20 Question every claim and every norm of the currently prevailing system of destructive consumption
21 Write to your representatives
22 Research innovative sustainable products in development and give them early support
23 Eat less beef
24 Stop eating pork
25 Grow some fruit
26 Grow some vegetables
27 Eat less sugar
28 Drink tap water or filtered tap water
29 Make your own delicious soup from your own soup stock
30 Chew your food thoroughly
31 Refuse plastic straws
32 If you prefer to use a power lawn mower, choose an electric model
33 Support local farmers' markets
34 Choose hobbies that help sustainability
35 Get exercise picking up litter
36 Promote healthy soil
37 Learn about all-season gardening
38 Stop using synthetic cleaners
39 Use a bicycle
40 Become a walker
41 Eat more fruit
42 Eat more vegetables
43 Make your own yogurt in an InstantPot
44 Learn about organic gardening
45 Use a stainless steel canteen for water on the go
46 Prefer glass bottles over plastic
47 Cook at home more
48 Grow herbs
49 Read aloud the ingredients in your personal care products
50 Become creative and flexible in your cooking
51 Make good use of chicken and turkey carcasses by turning them into soup
52 Get your tap water tested
53 Use a glass water filter with no-waste carbon filters
54 Grow some sprouts
55 Make your own ricotta, sour cream and other cheeses
56 Make your own nut milks
57 Don't use wasteful K-cup coffee makers
58 Use simple non-harmful cleaners to clean your toilets