Sustainable Choices

Category: nature study

1 Learn about your local plants, animals and insects
2 Accept that there is no "planet B"
3 Keep dead trees for use by birds, small mammals, insects
4 Learn to appreciate the intangible and all its value
5 Study nature more and pay less attention to the works and doings of humanity
6 Read and study sustainability and clean energy news sources
7 Share your knowledge of sustainable practices and products
8 Don't make overpopulation worse
9 Reduce your consumption in general
10 Research innovative sustainable products in development and give them early support
11 Talk with others about issues of sustainability
12 Adopt low-tech when it helps sustainability
13 Change your attitude about what constitutes "progress"
14 Learn about soil biology and soil health
15 Learn about your local ecosystems
16 Learn more about nature in general
17 Question every claim and every norm of the currently prevailing system of destructive consumption
18 Reject the temptation to take "souvenirs" from nature
19 Buy experiences instead of products
20 Write to your representatives
21 Support the economy of the non-material
22 Change your attitude about what you "need"
23 Learn how to best manage interactions with wildlife
24 Choose hobbies that help sustainability
25 Get your property certified as wildlife habitat
26 Provide habitat for wildlife and insects
27 Buy an insect house
28 Remove non-native plants on your property
29 Plant native plants on your property