Sustainable Choices

Category: transportation

1 Research innovative sustainable products in development and give them early support
2 Accept that there is no "planet B"
3 Learn to appreciate the intangible and all its value
4 Practice frugality in all matters of purchasing
5 Eat less beef
6 Eat less pork
7 Read and study sustainability and clean energy news sources
8 Calculate your carbon footprint
9 Share your knowledge of sustainable practices and products
10 Don't make overpopulation worse
11 Reduce your consumption in general
12 Learn to love all forms of non-fossil-fuel transportation
13 Talk with others about issues of sustainability
14 Buy experiences instead of products
15 Support the economy of the non-material
16 Question every claim and every norm of the currently prevailing system of destructive consumption
17 Adopt low-tech when it helps sustainability
18 Change your attitude about what constitutes "progress"
19 Write to your representatives
20 Reduce your use of fossil fuels in every way
21 Change your attitude about what you "need"
22 Use public transportation
23 Take a train vacation
24 Choose hobbies that help sustainability
25 Keep your car tires inflated to the proper pressure
26 Support local farmers' markets
27 Become a locavore or partial locavore
28 Drive an electric car
29 Substitute closer more satisfying vacations for distant exotic vacations
30 Take the train instead of the plane for mid-range trips
31 Use a bicycle
32 If you drive a gas-powered car, get regular tuneups
33 Live with others and share resources
34 Cook at home more
35 Become a walker
36 Reduce your driving
37 Take a sailing vacation