Sustainable Choices

Choices sorted by challenge descending [sort ascending]

H = high, M = medium, L = low

1H Reduce your use of fossil fuels in every way
2H Question every claim and every norm of the currently prevailing system of destructive consumption
3H Buy organic food
4H Reduce your use of plastic
5M Install solar water heating at your home
6M Become a locavore or partial locavore
7M Remove non-native plants on your property
8M Prefer groceries and products in minimal packaging and in paper instead of plastic
9M Take the train instead of the plane for mid-range trips
10M Take a train vacation
11M Use drying racks instead of gas or electric dryers
12M Talk with others about issues of sustainability
13M Adopt low-tech when it helps sustainability
14M Change your attitude about what constitutes "progress"
15M Record the electrical use of every device in your home
16M Prefer minimal recyclable packaging for all products
17M Use a bicycle
18M Become a walker
19M Reduce your driving
20M Use public transportation
21M Keep dead trees for use by birds, small mammals, insects
22M Take a sailing vacation
23M Swap in low-flow toilets
24M Install insulation in your home
25M Promote healthy soil
26M Learn how to best manage interactions with wildlife
27M Consider carbon offsets
28M Practice frugality in all matters of purchasing
29M Study nature more and pay less attention to the works and doings of humanity
30M Become creative and flexible in your cooking
31M Cook at home more
32M Stop buying synthetic "food" that damages your health and is manufactured in damaging ways
33M Use a heat pump for both heating and air conditioning
34M Learn about green building materials
35M Live with others and share resources
36M Plant native plants on your property
37M Prefer glass bottles over plastic
38M Buy for durability
39M Give experiences and love for the holidays instead of products
40M Grow some vegetables
41M Sell or give away anything you don't actually need
42M Replace all or part of your lawn with a pollinator meadow
43M Shop for furniture at thrift stores
44M Shop for clothing at thrift stores
45M Support local farmers' markets
46M Reduce your purchase of clothing that sheds microfibers
47M Get your property certified as wildlife habitat
48M Adopt natural forms of tick abatement
49M Chew your food thoroughly
50M Change your attitude about what you "need"
51M Reduce your consumption in general
52M Compost everything you can
53M Learn to love all forms of non-fossil-fuel transportation
54M Choose hobbies that help sustainability
55M Waste no food
56M Buy experiences instead of products
57M Support the economy of the non-material
58M Install a greywater system
59L Reduce your use of plastic with refillable deodorant
60L Use dental floss refills to reduce your use of plastic
61L Reduce your use of plastic with a permanent toothbrush
62L Eliminate vampire power at home and at work
63L Reduce your use of plastic by making your own carbonated drinks
64L If you prefer to use a power lawn mower, choose an electric model
65L Read and study sustainability and clean energy news sources
66L Use your local libraries
67L Use simple non-harmful cleaners to clean your toilets
68L Reject the temptation to take "souvenirs" from nature
69L Make good use of chicken and turkey carcasses by turning them into soup
70L Switch to green banking services
71L Refuse plastic straws
72L Use a glass water filter with no-waste carbon filters
73L Grow plants from seeds instead of buying them in plastic pots
74L Research innovative sustainable products in development and give them early support
75L Get your tap water tested
76L Use reusable produce bags
77L Make your own nut milks
78L Use laundry sheets instead of liquid detergent in plastic
79L Use rain barrels for water conservation
80L Drink tap water or filtered tap water
81L Don't use wasteful K-cup coffee makers
82L Share your knowledge of sustainable practices and products
83L Eat less sugar
84L Grow some sprouts
85L Get exercise picking up litter
86L Make your own ricotta, sour cream and other cheeses
87L Become a litter picker upper
88L Provide habitat for wildlife and insects
89L Don't make overpopulation worse
90L Calculate your carbon footprint
91L Use a corded electric leaf blower
92L Keep your car tires inflated to the proper pressure
93L Participate in "buy nothing" groups
94L Chop up leaves with a lawn mower for compost
95L Make your own delicious soup from your own soup stock
96L Use an induction stove
97L If you give products as gifts for the holidays, use minimal packaging
98L Install low-flow showerheads
99L Cook with an air fryer instead of less efficient means
100L Learn about organic gardening
101L Buy used books
102L Write to your representatives
103L Learn more about the non-recyclability of plastic
104L Stop eating beef
105L Stop eating pork
106L Eat more vegetables
107L Eat more fruit
108L Grow some fruit
109L Make good use of grass clippings from lawn mowing
110L Use less water
111L Stop using synthetic fertilizers
112L Adopt natural forms of mosquito abatement
113L Cook with an InstantPot instead of less efficient means
114L Make your own yogurt in an InstantPot
115L Take up solar cooking
116L Drive an electric car
117L Use a manual lawn mower
118L Use a bidet
119L Learn about your local plants, animals and insects
120L Learn about soil biology and soil health
121L Learn about your local ecosystems
122L Learn more about nature in general
123L Stop using pesticides and other poisons
124L Use a programmable thermostat
125L Learn about LEED certification for your place of employment
126L Learn to appreciate the intangible and all its value
127L If you drive a gas-powered car, get regular tuneups
128L Mulch or compost organic matter on your property instead of sending it to the landfill
129L Grow herbs
130L Use a shampoo bar instead of liquid shampoo in plastic
131L Read aloud the ingredients in your "food"
132L Read aloud the ingredients in your personal care products
133L Buy an insect house
134L Use artificial intelligence to help you stop wasting food
135L Use tooth brushing tablets in minimal packaging instead of toothpaste in a plastic tube
136L Eat less beef
137L Use a stainless steel canteen for water on the go
138L Never buy bottled water
139L Get your electricity from a solar farm
140L Install solar power at your home
141L Keep stainless steel food leftover containers in your car and bring them into the restaurant
142L Keep durable metal eating utensils in your car and refuse plastic utensils
143L Substitute closer more satisfying vacations for distant exotic vacations
144L Stop using synthetic cleaners
145L Learn about natural cleaners
146L Buy natural cleaners
147L Accept that there is no "planet B"
148L Learn about all-season gardening
149L Get an energy audit for your dwelling
150L Eat less pork