Sustainable Choices

Take up solar cooking

solar oven



A solar cooker collects thermal heat. That collected heat can be used to heat and prepare food or water as necessary. Solar cookers are used around the world to safely pasteurize food and drink, or even dry food to preserve it. They are typically utilized more frequently in regions with drier, sunny climates that are better suited to their use. Solar cookers are often used in place of a wood fire.


There are several advantages of solar cooking:

1. Sustainability: Solar cooking relies on renewable energy from the sun, making it an environmentally-friendly and sustainable way to cook food without burning fossil fuels.

2. Cost-effective: Once you have invested in a solar cooker, you can cook meals for free without the need for fuel, electricity, or gas. This can save money on utility bills and reduce dependence on expensive fuels.

3. Health benefits: Solar cooking retains more nutrients in food than traditional cooking methods such as boiling, steaming or frying, leading to healthier meals. Additionally, solar cooking does not produce harmful smoke, which can be dangerous to health in poorly ventilated areas.

4. Versatility: Solar cookers can be used to bake, roast, boil, or steam food, making it a versatile tool in the kitchen. You can cook anything from soups and stews to bread, cakes, and even pizza.

5. Portability: Solar cookers are lightweight, compact and easy to transport, making them ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking or picnicking.

6. Safety: Solar cooking does not involve the use of open flames or hot stoves, reducing the risk of burns or fires, especially in households with children.

Overall, solar cooking is a sustainable, cost-effective, healthy, versatile, portable, and safe way to cook food. It is an excellent option for people who want to reduce their carbon footprint, save money, and enjoy the many benefits of cooking with the power of the sun.

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