Sustainable Choices

Mulch or compost organic matter on your property instead of sending it to the landfill



Composting organic matter on your property is a sustainable way to manage waste. Transform kitchen scraps, yard trimmings, and leaves into nutrient-rich compost or use them as mulch to improve soil health and conserve moisture. It reduces landfill waste and promotes a healthier, more sustainable garden ecosystem.


Mulching or composting organic matter on your property instead of sending it to the landfill offers several advantages:

1. Soil Enrichment: Organic matter, such as leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen scraps, contains valuable nutrients. When mulched or composted, these materials break down over time, creating nutrient-rich compost or mulch. Applying this compost or mulch to your garden or landscaping helps improve soil fertility, structure, and moisture retention, promoting healthier plant growth.

2. Waste Reduction: Mulching or composting organic matter reduces the volume of waste that goes to the landfill. By diverting these materials from the waste stream, you decrease the burden on landfills, which helps to conserve landfill space and reduce methane emissions. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas associated with climate change, and landfills are a significant source of methane emissions.

3. Cost Savings: Producing your own compost or mulch can lead to cost savings. Instead of purchasing commercial products, you can utilize the organic matter readily available on your property. This reduces the need to buy fertilizers, soil amendments, or mulch from external sources, potentially saving money in the long run.

4. Improved Soil Health: Mulching or composting organic matter enhances overall soil health. Compost and mulch help retain moisture in the soil, reduce weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Additionally, they improve soil structure, aeration, and microbial activity, fostering a healthy and balanced ecosystem for beneficial organisms such as earthworms and beneficial bacteria.

5. Sustainable Gardening Practices: Mulching or composting aligns with sustainable gardening practices. It promotes a closed-loop system where organic waste is recycled and reused on-site, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers or chemicals. It supports sustainable agriculture and landscaping, contributing to the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity.

6. Erosion Control: Applying mulch to garden beds, landscaped areas, or slopes helps prevent soil erosion. The mulch acts as a protective layer, reducing the impact of heavy rain, wind, or water runoff. It stabilizes the soil, retains moisture, and minimizes surface compaction, preserving soil integrity and preventing the loss of valuable topsoil.

7. Wildlife Habitat: Mulching or composting organic matter on your property can create a habitat for beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. The decomposition process attracts insects and organisms that contribute to the ecological balance of your garden or landscape. It provides shelter, food sources, and nesting opportunities, supporting biodiversity and promoting a healthy ecosystem.

By mulching or composting organic matter on your property, you not only improve your garden's health and fertility but also contribute to waste reduction, cost savings, and sustainable practices. It is a simple and effective way to manage organic waste while benefiting both your property and the environment.

description | advantages